Mt. Fuji’s 5th Station Rest House Fujikyu Unjokaku Introduces Foreign Currency Exchange

30.June.2018 | SPOT

Fujikyu Unjokaku is a rest house located at Mt Fuji’s 5th station up Fuji Subaru Line Road, which goes to the highest point of the mountain that’s accessible by transport. The start of this summer’s mountain climbing season begins on July 1, and in conjunction with this, new measures are coming into place.

The number of climbers to Mt. Fuji increases year by year. A survey that was conducted showed that there are around 50 nationalities of people who climb the mountain, and that 1 in 3 people taking the Yoshida Trail are foreigners.

Despite bringing in so many foreign tourists and visitors, many people are unsure of how to book reservations to stay in the mountain lodges and have highlighted how they cannot use their credit or debit cards up there, amongst other things. To tackle these issues, Fujikyu Unjokaku is introducing several services catered toward foreigners climbing Mt. Fuji.

Foreign Currency Exchange Center – 158 Currencies

Starting from July 1, a manned exchange center will be introduced onto the first floor of Fujikyu Unjokaku which will handle 158 different currencies. If you suddenly realise you need Japanese yen while you’re climbing, then you can have your money exchanged, meaning you no longer need to worry about not having cash on you for shops that don’t take card or if you want to shop up the mountain. They offer superior rates, and you don’t need to present your passport or fill out any documents either making it a very useful and convenient service.


Running: July 1, 2018 – September 10, 2018 (No holidays during mountain climbing season)

Time: 7:00am-10:00pm


Mobile Payment Service ‘WeChat Pay’ Introduced

WeChat Pay is a mobile payment service that will enable you to book accommodation with Fujikyu Unjokaku and can be used in restaurants and shops.



Online Accommodation Bookings Now Available

Fujikyu Unjokaku’s capsule hotel service Mt. Fuji Lodge is introducing an online booking system. It’s a popular capsule-style hotel that guarantees privacy with semi-double size individual rooms, a women’s-only space, and more. Bookings will take place on the Fujikyu Unjokaku website and can be made in Japanese or English – with credit and debit cards too. Bookings are also possible via Japanese travel agents as well as non-Japanese online travel agents such as Expedia and Agoda. This will allow easier hotel booking for foreign travelers climbing Mt. Fuji.


Booking Timetable

Running: July 1, 2018 – September 10, 2018

Booking Page (English):

Booking Page (Japanese):


Cyclist Services Improved

There has been a recent demand for more cycling accessibility around the Fuji Five Lakes area. The Mt. Fuji 5th station wants to be recognised as the holy ground for cyclists and so is introducing services aimed at cyclists including free bicycle tool rentals, merchandise related to bicycles and original bicycle safety omamori charms, bicycle stands, a photo spot, a photo panel exhibition of winners of the Mt. Fuji Hill Climb, and more.


Plenty of other services have been revamped for climbers and travelers too, including the restaurant, more souvenirs, increased guarantee of rental spaces for mountain climbing tools and more.

Why not take the challenge of climbing Mt. Fuji this summer?


Fujikyu Unjokaku
Address: 8545-1 Mount Fuji, Narusawa, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi PrefectureOpening Hours: Spring & Fall 9:00am-5:00pm / Summer 6:00am-11:00pm
Closed: During heavy snowfall


Car – 28.6km (38-minutes) via Fuji Subaru Line via Kawaguchiko Interchange
*Minor restrictions along Fuji Subaru Line from July 10, 2018 to September 10, 2018
The minor restrictions mean that you will have to park your car at Fujihokuroku Parking Lot and change onto a shuttle bus. Fujihokuroku Parkling Lot is located along Higashi-Fuji-Goko Road on the East side of Fuji Yoshida interchange. It houses 1,400 cars and costs ¥1,000 to park there.


Bus – 155 minutes via express bus from Shinjuku Station to Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station
*In addition to Shinjuku Station, a 5th Station bus will also run for a limited period from Haneda Airport, Yokohama Station, Center-Kita Station and Tama-Plaza Station.

Train – Change from Chuo Main Line at Otsuki Station to the Fujikyuko Line. Get off at Fujisan Station and board the Fuji Express Bus.

TEL: 0555-72-1355




  • Ride Down Mount Fuji on a Bicycle with the New Activity Service BonVelo

    30.May.2018 | SPOT

    The new bicycle activity shop BonVelo will open on June 1, offering a range of exciting activities including 'Mount Fuji Downhill' and 'Mount Fuji Hill Climb.'

    Mount Fuji Downhill has mountain bikes delivered all the way up to Mount Fuji's 5th station so you can ride down without stopping. This new activity is aimed at people who've made the effort to go to Mount Fuji and want to have some fun. Daisuke Imanaka, the first Japanese person to compete in Tour de France, was appointed as the project adviser of this activity, which is sparking much attention.


    The shop's name bon velo is French and means 'good bicycle.' Each activity they have on offer makes use of high grade mountain bikes and electronic sports bikes that can ride for you.

    For example, if you take on the Mount Fuji Downhill Subaru Line course, a mountain bike will be delivered to the 5th Station at the entrance of the Yoshida Trail on Mount Fuji. From there, you will cycle down to the bottom, offering a truly special experience that you can't easily get anywhere else.


    In some other courses, like the Hill Climb course, you'll get to use an e-bike. Since they are equipped with a motor, you won't have to exert yourself, meaning even bike beginners or novices can enjoy themselves. You can even enjoy your ride as a couple or with friends.

    Another great aspect is that there are plenty of activities for people of all levels, as well as people of all ages.

    Experience the thrill of cycling down Mount Fuji yourself!



    Plans & Prices:

    ・Mount Fuji Downhill Subaru Line Course

    High Grade Mountain Bike w/ Semi Fat Tires

    Time Required: 2-3 Hours

    Distance: Approximately 30km

    Price: ¥12,000 per person

    This downhill course plan will deliver the bike and user to Mount Fuji's 5th Station at the Yoshida entrance.

    ・Mount Fuji Downhill Umagaeshi Course

    High Grade Mountain Bike w/ Semi Fat Tires

    Time Required: 2-3 Hours

    Distance: Approximately 17km

    Price: ¥9,800 per person

    This downhill course plan will deliver the bike and user to Yoshida Umagaeshi on Mount Fuji.

    ・Mount Fuji Hill Climb Course

    Electronic Sports Bike w/ Semi Fat Tires OR High Grade Mountain Bike

    Time Required: 4-5 Hours

    Distance: Approximately 60km

    Price: ¥10,000 per person (e-bikes are an additional ¥5,000)

    This plan is a round trip course from the shop to the Subaru Line on Mount Fuji.

    ・Lake Kawaguchi Pottering Course

    Electronic Sports Bike w/ Semi Fat Tires OR High Grade Mountain Bike

    Time Required: 2-3 Hours

    Distance: Approximately 24km

    Price: ¥3,000 per person (e-bikes are an additional ¥5,000)

    This course plan is a cruise cycle from the shop around Lake Kawaguchi at Mount Fuji.


  • Tokyo Stroll: A Kimono Date With Yutaro to Climb Mount Fuji in Tokyo at Hatonomori Hachiman Shrine

    07.February.2018 | FEATURES / SPOT

    The first date of 2018 with Yutaro was to visit a ‘power spot’ so we can have a wonderful year this year too. That being said, we went to “Hatonomori Hachiman Shrine” in Sendagaya which is next to Harajuku. This was our hatsumou, the first shrine visit of the New Year, and we went wearing kimono.   Hatonomori Hachiman Shrine is a 5-minute walk from Kita-Sando Station via the Tokyo Metro Fukukoshin Line, just one stop from Meiji-Jingumae Station in Harajuku. It’s super easy to get there from Harajuku or Shibuya. You can also walk there in 5-minutes from Sendagaya Station if you take the JR Sobu Line. Hatonomori Hachiman Shrine has a long history, even going as far as to be recorded in the Edo meisho zue, an illustrated guide to famous Edo places that was published at the end of the Edo period. The shrine grounds features the shogidou, where a huge Shogi (like chess) piece is enshrined; the Koga Inarisha shrine where the Koga-Gumi, a group of ninja serving the Tokugawa Shogunate, would pay reverence; a Noh stage; the main building that was completed in 1993, and more. According to the Shinto chief priest Hirano, the oldest things in the shrine grounds are the 3 ginkgo trees planted there. If you visit the shrine, be on the lookout. We finally arrived. After bowing, we headed through the torii gate and onward towards the shrine. We cleanse our hands and mouth before praying. I wonder what could he be praying for? He has an unusually serious expression. After praying, we climbed the fuji-zuka, a manmade mound made to imitate Mount Fuji. It has received much attention as a ‘power spot,’ a place believed to heal visitors through special energy. The Edo period was a time when it was difficult for people to climb Mount Fuji, so common folk would look to fuji-zuka as Mount Fuji for their worshipping. It is said that Hatonomori Hachiman Shrine was constructed in 1789, and the fuji-zuka, the oldest still standing in the city, was designated a Tangible Folk Cultural Property. Yutaro-kun hasn’t climbed Mount Fuji before, so this will be his first! Mount Fuji has 5 stations you can stop off at leading up. Climbing fuji-zuka was tougher than we thought, so we agreed to wear sneakers next time. While being cautious we continued our climb without falling. Writing from the Kansei era is written on the komitake sekison daigogen at the 5th station. You can’t help but feel the length of the fuki-zuka’s history at Hatonomori Hachiman Shrine! The view from the top is amazing! When you see the tree-wrapped shrine grounds, your heart feels gentle and calm.  

    “It’s a dream come true that we can climb Mount Fuji in Tokyo.”

    We took a different route going down. This route is steep too! After we safely reached the bottom, we receive a goshuin shrine stamp to commemorate today’s Mount Fuji worship. The ceremony fee is ¥300. Be sure you get one too after reaching the top! Finally, we drew one of Hatonomori Hachiman Shrine’s unique “Hato Mikuji.” The omikuji blessing was “small blessing” (sho-kichi). After reading the omikuji carefully, we tied it to tie a link with the gods. Before we knew it, the date had come to an end.   How was this first kimono date? If you’re thinking you want to walk around Harajuku in a kimono like Yutaro, then we recommend checking out a rental kimono store. The kimono worn today was rented at the Moshi Moshi Kimono Salon in Harajuku. Please enjoy yourself by going out in a kimono with your friends or on a kimono date with that special someone.  
    ■Information   Hatonomori Hachiman Shrine Adddress: 1-1-24 Sendagaya, Shibuya, Tokyo TEL: 03-3401-1284 Homepage:
    Model:Yutaro Yutaro was born in Hiroshima on June 3rd 1998. His modeling career has earned him lots of attention as a fashion icon of the new generation. The famous model also works as a “charisma” shop assistant. Yutaro has gained his reputation as a “mysterious and handsome guy” from his appearance on Japanese variety shows. His debut was made on the show “Gyoretsu no Dekiru Horitsu Sodanjo” and has since then appeared on numerous different TV shows. He challenged himself to appear on stage for the very first time in March this year and is gaining popularity by the day for his diverse work.   Photographer: Kayo Sekiguchi Writer: Sayuri Mizuno(ASOBISYSTEM) Translator: Joshua Kitosi-Isanga
  • 5 Best Spots to See Mount Fuji From Tokyo

    21.January.2018 | FEATURES / SPOT


    Mt. Fuji is known as Japan’s tallest mountain, towering over at 3,776m. In 2013, it was designated a Culture Site and added to the list of World Heritage list. The mountain extends over Yamanashi Prefecture and Shizuoka Prefecture, and on a clear day, you can catch a glimpse of the mountaintop from Tokyo at high ground. Here are five spots we recommend visiting if you want to see Mt. Fuji from Tokyo and get some great photos.


    The Top of Mount Takao


    Located in the city of Hachioji in Tokyo, Mount Takao is a very popular tourist site. It stands at a humble 599m, and if you’re up for taking to the apex, you can get a clear view of Mount Fuji. Mount Takao is easily accessible from the city, and although the journey to the trip is challenging, it’s very much worth it if you to see the beautiful Mount Fuji.




    Address: Takaomachi, Hachioji, Tokyo




    Tokyo Tower Observation Deck


    Kei Hibioさん(@hibiok)がシェアした投稿 -

    Tokyo Tower is a landmark tower of Tokyo. The observation deck gives you the opportunity to catch a glimpse of Mount Fuji, poking its head up ever so slightly. You can’t see it on a cloudy day, so be sure to head to Tokyo Tower on a clear and sunny day for the real experience. It’s the perfect photo spot as you can get a snap of Tokyo city with Mount Fuji in the background.




    Address: 4-2-8 Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo





    Tokyo Skytree Observation Deck


    minminさん(@msm.aries0405)がシェアした投稿 -

    Skytree is a staggering 634m high. It’s the tallest tower in the world and the second tallest structure. With no obstruction from other buildings, you are given an unbroken view of Mount Fuji. The best time to visit is early morning on a clear day. When taking a photo, be sure to have a long-distance lens for an even more beautiful picture.




    Address: 1-1-2 Oshiage, Sumida, Tokyo




    Haneda Airport International Terminal


    There’s an observation deck on the 5th floor of Haneda Airport International Terminal where you can see Mount Fuji. There’s also a Mount Fuji observation deck called “Fuji Midai” (富士見台) prepared specifically for seeing the mountain. You can get a picture with Tokyo Monorail and the buildings of Shinagawa with Fuji as the backdrop.




    Address: Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo




    Roppongi Hills


    Waruo Jiatamaさん(@waruo)がシェアした投稿 -

    Roppongi Hills is an office building standing at 238m tall. It’s home to a movie theatre, art and cultural facilities, various brand stores and more. The spectacular Mount Fuji can be seen from the rooftop sky deck of Roppongi Hills. If you’re shopping there or on your way back from lunch, then why not head on up to the roof for a look?




    Address: 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato, Tokyo




    Did you like our list? You can enjoy a view of Mount Fuji at different perspectives around Tokyo, each with their own distinct beauty.


    If you’re tied to Tokyo on your trip and can’t travel to Mount Fuji, then be sure to use this list so you don’t miss out.


  • Tomioka Silk Fantasia ~Festival of Silk~, an Exciting Event Combining Video, Music, and Fashion, to Be Held at Tomioka Silk Mill, a World Cultural Heritage Site!

    25.September.2023 | FASHION / FOOD / MUSIC / SPOT

    An incredible event combining video, music, and fashion, Tomioka Silk Fantasia ~Festival of Silk~ will be held at the Tomioka Silk Mill, a National Treasure and World Cultural Heritage Site. The event will be held with support from the city of Tomioka, Gunma Prefecture, and will run for approximately two weeks starting on October 6, 2023.


    Guests will be able to enjoy the NAKED Yorusampo -Tomioka- and Tomioka Silk Fantasia as they explore the historic site. The special event was directed by renowned international director Junya Yamada in collaboration with NAKED Inc., which continues to captivate audiences with its digital artworks including projection mapping and illuminations.


    <NAKED Yorusampo™ -Tomioka->

    'NAKED Yorusanpo™' is an outdoor immersive night walk concept by NAKED. Previously, the unique event has been held in various regions, including the Ikaho Onsen town in Gunma Prefecture and the UNESCO World Heritage site of Zuiganji Temple in Matsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, to promote the nighttime economy of different areas. Even in tourist destinations where businesses tend to close early at night, this event breathes new life into the city's landmarks through illuminations and projection mapping, allowing tourists to make the most of their evenings and supporting measures for dispersed tourism.


    Experience NAKED's grand projection mapping, lantern art, and Flower Fortune while enjoying the night at Tomioka Silk Mill, a national treasure and UNESCO World Heritage site.


    <Tomioka Silk Fantasia

    On October 14 and 15, guests can enjoy live music and a fashion show on a special stage in front of the Tomioka Silk Mill’s West Cocoon Warehouse. Live music performers include DE DE MOUSE, a composer, producer, and DJ from Gunma Prefecture; bala, a Tokyo-based creative collective of female artists and creators; and Yasushi Yamabe, a taiko drummer active both in Japan and abroad.




    Taishi Yamabe


    Visitors will also be able to enjoy a tour of the area between Jyoshu-Tomioka Station and Tomioka Silk Mill in cooperation with local restaurants and facilities. Please come experience a fantastic night in Tomioka City, where silk and fantasy are woven together in a fusion of images, music, and fashion, as if you have entered a different dimension.




    ・NAKED Distance Lanterns®

    Introducing NAKED's unique art-inspired lanterns, born during the COVID-19 pandemic. When you take a leisurely stroll with one of these lanterns in hand, the ground comes alive with colors and patterns unique to each location, allowing you to be a part of the mesmerizing light display.


    For this event, inspiration was drawn from the location of Tomioka Silk Mill in Gunma Prefecture, which has strong ties to the art of natural dyeing. As a result, five color variations will be available: red, blue, pink, green, and yellow, all inspired by the vibrant hues of plant-based dyes.


    *Lantern rentals: ¥500 per turn (Tax Included)


    ・NAKED Flower Fortune®

    Introducing the wildly popular art fortune-telling, NAKED Flower Fortune®, which even ranked high in domestic rapid retweets on X (formerly Twitter). Choose your favorite flower from a variety of colors and shapes, and you'll encounter the perfect message for that moment. The flower ornaments attached to the fortune can be transformed into art by tying them to a wooden branch to make the flowers bloom, making them a great souvenir to take home as a keepsake.


    *Price: ¥500 each (Tax Included)


    ・Tomioka Silk Mill West Cocoon Warehouse

    The highlight of this event is the massive projection mapping show on the stage of the national treasure, Tomioka Silk Mill West Cocoon Warehouse, spanning approximately 45 meters in width. As the giant silk wraps around the building, the lush flora of Tomioka bursts forth. After enjoying the changing seasons of nature, step into a nostalgic world featuring retro signs and lanterns. Experience the unique and culturally rich presentation that is characteristic of Tomioka's deep historical heritage.

    ・Tomioka Silk Fantasia

    A special event will unfold at the Tomioka Silk Mill World Heritage site. Come enjoy an event featuring artistic direction by renowned director Junya Yamada, a mesmerizing live performance by DE DE MOUSE, a high-art fashion show that seamlessly harmonizes with  live music, and a powerful taiko drum performance by Yasushi Yamabe. Additionally, guests can enjoy an energetic performance by the creative collective girls group bala. Projection mapping will enhance the space, adding even more charm to the beautiful Tomioka Silk Mill, where history and the future intersect. From Gunma to the world, immerse yourself over the course of one special night where various cultures can come together to exchange unique experiences and celebrate.


    ・Tomioka Silk Mill East Cocoon Warehouse Illumination

    The Tomioka Silk Mill East Cocoon Warehouse World Heritage site is illuminated, allowing visitors to savor its unique nighttime beauty that differs entirely from daytime. Enjoy the enchanting and fantastical nighttime scenery that you wouldn't typically be able to see.


    ・The Historic Nirazuka Silk Mill Illumination

    The historic Nirazuka Silk Mill is illuminated, offering guests the opportunity to enjoy its beauty in a way that differs from daylight. Enjoy this enchanting and fantastical nighttime scenery that you wouldn't typically be able to see.


    Tomioka Night Gourmet Stroll

    A collaborative event with "Tomioka Silk Fantasia - Festival of Silk." We introduce dining and souvenir shops around Tomioka Silk Mill that are open during the event period. Enjoy delicious local cuisine unique to Tomioka.

    Presale tickets are now available from ZAIKO and Rakuten Ticket.


    Additional information will be announced in the future.

  • Hirosaki and Hakodate to Begin Winter Tourism Campaign with Snow Miku Starting December 2022

    26.November.2022 | ANIME&GAME / SPOT

    The cities of Hirosaki and Hakodate in Hokkaido have announced that they will team up with Hatsune Miku’s popular iteration Snow Miku to promote tourism in the area this winter. A number of activities will begin in December 2022.   [Snow Miku x Hirohako] Collaboration Project■Hirohako Winter Tourism Campaign Poster Featuring Snow Miku・Period: Mid-November~February 28, 2023・Locations: Facilities in both cities, tourist facilities, hotels, shopping areas   ■Snow Miku Illustration Contest Exhibition EventOver 50 illustrations have been submitted under the theme of Snow Miku and Hakodate / Snow Miku and Hirosaki. These will be on display through the winter! ・Running: December 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022 ・Venues: Hirosaki Municipal Tourist Center (Hirosaki)                     Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse (Hakodate)   ■Snow Miku Photo SpotSnow Miku panels featuring shamisen and apples from Hirosaki will be on display, while the Hakodate version will include references to squid fishing and footbaths. ・On Display: December 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022・Locations: JR Hirosaki Station, Chuohirosaki Station (Hirosaki)                         JR Hakodate Station, Hakodate Airport (Hakodate)■Digital Stamp Rally Using the Mikunavi AppA number of panels will be installed at five checkpoints in Hirosaki and Hakodate. A total of 1,000 people–500 in each city–will win original merch including a Snow Miku mask case and decorated masking tape. All you need to do is check in!・Available: December 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022・Locations: (Hirosaki) Hirosaki Municipal Tourist Center, Hirosaki City Machinaka  Information Center,                          Hirosaki Tourist Information Center, Hirosaki Castle Information Center, Tsugaru-han Neputa Village      (Hakodate) Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse, Yunokawa Hot Spring Footbath, Goryōkaku Tower, Hakodate Green Plaza C Block (Hakodate Lumi-Pop), Old Public Hall of Hakodate Ward   ■Hirohako Winter Tourism Campaign Theme Song and Music Video The tourism theme song will get a new music video that will be broadcast on YouTube, at local tourist facilities, and on TV and radio!・On Air: December 1, 2022~・Theme Song: Mahou no Keshiki (Lyrics/Composition: ryuryu)   ■Snow Miku Welcome Announcements to be Broadcast at Tourism Facilities, etc. A one-minute welcome announcement by Snow Miku will air at tourist facilities!・Running: December 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022・Locations: Tourist areas in both cities   ■Snow Miku Filters Using ARWhen each barcode is scanned with a smartphone, Snow Miku will appear on the screen! Visitors can take pictures with Snow Miku to commemorate their winter trip to Hirosaki and Hakodate.・Available: December 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022
  • Interview: Shakuhachi Player Yoshimi Tsujimoto Discusses Her Craft and the Upcoming Concert at Kumano-Nachi Taisha

    20.October.2022 | MUSIC / SPOT

    Each year, an incredible event is held at Kumano-Nachi Taisha, a Shinto shrine and World Heritage Site located in the Kii Mountain Range of Wakayama Prefecture.   To kick off the ‘diamond celebration,’ a special concert will mark the 1,250th anniversary of the birth of Kobo Daishi, the Japanese Buddhist monk who founded the Shingon school of Buddhism. Yoshimi Tsujimoto, a shakuhachi player from Hashimoto, will perform in the concert scheduled to begin on October 22 at 13:30.    Moshi Moshi Nippon sat down with Yoshimi Tsujimoto to discuss her music and, most importantly, her interest in sharing the sound of the shakuhachi with the world.    −How did you become interested in the shakuhachi? My father loved the shakuhachi, and because of that, I grew up surrounded by the sound of it. That’s how it all began! −What attracts you to playing the shakuhachi?I love the timbre of the shakuhachi. Those who play the shakuhachi often say that a single note has the power to bring someone to enlightenment. Curiously, individual differences in tone are more easily discernible with the shakuhachi than with other instruments. That means that a person can express themselves in more unique ways.  −You’ve performed in many different countries. Do you get different reactions to the shakuhachi in other countries when compared to Japanese audiences?I have a vivid memory of a time I performed a classical shakuhachi piece solo. This particular type of classical music is called ‘wabi-sabi,’ and it isn’t very loud or lively. In Japan, when I finish a performance, people usually clap. But when I performed in South America, as soon as the piece concluded, there was a standing ovation with people shouting “Bravo!” That would never happen in Japan, and it left such a lasting impression on me. −Are there any countries that have left a lasting impression on you, or that you would like to visit in the future?I have good memories of every country I’ve visited, but I think that Cuba left the biggest impression. I just made me think about how incredible music can be.I’d love to visit Bulgaria, Morocco, Armenia, Uganda…it’s tough, because I want to visit every country I haven’t been to yet. (laughs) −You’re from Hashimoto City, near Mount Koya. How did you feel when you heard that this concert would be held so close to your hometown?What I felt was pure joy.Personally, I’ve always loved Mount Koya, and I went there many times as a child. It’s such a pleasure to be able to perform there. −Tell us some of your favorite memories involving Mount Koya.I go to Mount Koya at least three or four times a year. It’s not a particular memory per se, but every time I go, I love to eat vegetarian food, explore, and buy wheat buns and sesame tofu as gifts to take home. −Are there any local foods or places that you’d recommend?The fruit is delicious in Wakayama, and my hometown is famous for persimmons.They are so yummy, and I just want everyone to try them!Mount Koya and Kumano Kodo are both World Heritage sites, and they are both absolutely breathtaking. Other than those, I’d recommend Adventure World! It has adorable pandas roaming around freely and the most wonderful dolphin shows. Everyone from around the country should visit! −Finally, do you have a message for Moshi Moshi Nippon readers?Japan is filled with incredible places and culture. The shakuhachi, a beloved traditional Japanese instrument, is one piece of that culture.I want audiences around the world to hear the sound of the shakuhachi and to make it more familiar. If you have a chance to hear it, I hope you will. Be sure to follow Yoshimi Tsujimoto’s activities going forward as she shares the beauty and culture of shakuhachi with the world.
  • Concert to be Held at World Heritage Site Kumano-Nachi Taisha in Wakayama

    25.August.2022 | MUSIC / SPOT

    Each year, an incredible event is held at Kumano-Nachi Taisha, a Shinto shrine and World Heritage Site located in the Kii Mountain Range of Wakayama Prefecture.

      To kick off the 'diamond celebration,' a special concert will mark the 1,250th anniversary of the birth of Kobo Daishi, the Japanese Buddhist monk who founded the Shingon school of Buddhism. Yoshimi Tsujimoto, a shakuhachi player from Hashimoto, will perform, while the event also hopes to bring tourism to the area by sharing more information about Wakayama with the masses.   

    Date: October 22, 2022, 13:30 Venue: Danjo-garan Buddhist Temple


    [Part 1] Chorus of local elementary school students, etc.

    [Part 2] Talk Session


    Hougen Yabu (Director of Head Temple Kongobu-ji on Mount Koya)

    Yoshimi Tsujimoto (Shakuhachi player)

    [Part 3] Concert

    Performer: Yoshimi Tsujimoto (Shakuhachi player)

    *Will include a percussion, guitar, and keyboard session


    <About the Call for Visitors>

    350 Guests are Invited!

    *If there are too many applicants, a drawing will be held.

    *Livestreaming of the event will also be available online.


    Application Period: August 23 - September 26, 2022

     *Postcards must be postmarked by September 26. Those applying n the website must do so by 23:59 on September 26.


    How to Apply:

    1. By postcard
    Address: Yamabutai Concert Section Wakayama Broadcasting Co. 3-3 Minatohonmachi Wakayama, 〒640-8577

    What to Include: Zip Code, Address, Name, Age, Phone Number, Admission *Can include up to 2 guests.


         2. On the special website

    Please apply using the application form on the special website.



    Keep in Mind:

    1. Incomplete entries will be considered invalid.

    2. Only one application per person is allowed.

    3. If there are too many applicants, a drawing will be held. Winners will be announced when numbered tickets are sent out.

    4. Personal information provided in each application will not be used for any purpose.


    (For Reference) Past Performers

    2015 - Hitomi Shimatani (Danjo-garan Buddhist Temple)2016 - Chitose Hajime (Kumano-Nachi Taisha)2017 - *Canceled due to typhoon.2018 - Kumiko (Oyunohara)2019 - May J. (Kumano-Nachi Taisha)2020 - *Canceled due to the ongoing pandemic.2021 - Yuki Koyanagi (Kumano-Nachi Taisha)  

    ■Cast Profiles

    ◆ Hougen Yabu / Director of Head Temple Kongobu-ji on Mount Koya

    ・1993 - Graduates from Koyasan University

    ・In 2011, he became the chief priest of Kirihata Temple, where he remains to this day.

            *Kirihata Temple [Fukuoka Prefecture] / Sasaguri 88 Sacred Sites, #10

    ・In 2021, he became the Director of Head Temple Kongobu-ji on Mount Koya and was also appointed as the director of the 1,250th birthday celebration for Kobo Daishi, the founder of the Buddhist sect.

    ◆ Yoshimi Tsujimoto / Shakuhachi Player

    ・Born in Hashimoto, Wakayama Prefecture in 1987.・Graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts, she has attracted media attention since she was a student, and has been active in a number of fields from traditional Japanese music to pop.・She has been invited to perform around the world, from the U.S. to Italy.  (Overseas tours: 33 cites in 24 countries, 53 total performances)・In 2015, her cover of a song using traditional Japanese instruments went viral. She began her solo project Bamboo Flute Orchestra to share the beauty of Japanese traditional instruments with people around the world.・In 2016, she made her major debut as the first-ever female solo shakuhachi player.
  • Private Jet Package Now Available in Toyama Offering Spectacular View of Tateyama Mountains

    22.June.2022 | SPOT

    Mizu to Takumi, a company associated with the Toyama West Tourism Promotion Association, has teamed up with SKYTREK to offer guests a once-in-a-lifetime chance to visit the area via private jet. Reservations for the incredible experience began on June 17, 2022.   Offering an entirely new tourism experience in Toyama Prefecture, visitors can see the area’s natural wonders from miles above the Earth. The program also aims to share local culture and more about traditional craftsmanship and cuisine.Toyama Prefecture boasts dramatic topography, from the massive peaks of the Northern Alps and the Tateyama Mountains to the deep waters of Toyama Bay. To better allow visitors to see the sights, these private jet tours will be chartered on special courses different from standard airlines.   After the flights, guests will be welcomed to explore Takaoka’s deep history and culture. Kane no Sanzun, a restored and preserved inn, will welcome visitors, offering a relaxing and rejuvenating time.Visitors can also book optional excursions to further explore the area, such as a Zen meditation experience at a famous temple in Takaoka, a traditional crafting workshop, and a tour and tasting of the only whiskey distillery in the Hokuriku region.Come enjoy a trip to Toyama with a whole new perspective!
  • Airbnb Reveals Top 10 Most Popular Summer Destinations in Japan

    08.June.2022 | SPOT

    Airbnb boasts one of the largest travel communities in the world, filled with users offering up lodging and those eager to visit somewhere new. The Japanese subsidiary of the company has revealed the top spots added to Japanese users ‘Favorites (Wish Lists)’ from May 1 to May 17, 2022. Where will travelers in the country be headed this summer?   Golden Week is long gone and users are starting to think about where to visit during the hottest part of the year. This national ‘Wish List’ might make it easier to pick a spot, with many locations highlighting lesser-known areas!  

    Gujo Hachiman Villa, Limited to 1 Couple Per Day (Gifu)

    This completely private rental villa was made for sauna enthusiasts. One lucky pair per day can book this suite along the Yoshida River flowing through Gujo Hachiman, known as the “City of Water and Dance.” Currently booked through the end of August, reservations for September and beyond will be available in early June. Book a stay to enjoy the gorgeous autumn foliage!

    A House Surrounded by Lush Greenery in the Countryside (Tottori)

    Hosted by a family of musicians and architects, this guesthouse invites guests to enjoy gorgeous Nordic-inspired interiors and the serene quiet of the countryside. For those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, this is the perfect spot.

    Hoshina Satomachi, Limited to 1 Couple Per Day (Nagano)

    There’s nothing like spending the summer in a traditional Japanese home. Enjoy a barbeque on the terrace and relax on the massive lawn. This is the perfect spot for families with children or pets!

    Coastal Cabin (Chiba)

    You can’t have summer without a pool. This luxurious coastal retreat boasts a 15-meter pool, outdoor Jacuzzi, bonfire space, and a barbeque. Relax by the pool while listening to your favorite songs or soak in the outdoor bath as you watch the waves crash along the shore.

    An Elegant and Peaceful Log Cabin (Nagano)

    Located at 1,300 meters above sea level on the Iizuna plateau, this log cabin is situated in the midst of a dense forest. A perfect space for couples, families, or small groups of friends, guests are welcome to enjoy hiking through this gorgeous landscape in the center of Japan!