Travel Japan #8: An Early Afternoon at Okinawa’s Beaches in Winter

15.March.2019 | FEATURES / SPOT

Okinawa’s ocean was transparent. It was early afternoon at a small beach in the middle of town.

It was outside swimming hours, but I couldn’t help but step in. It was like a scene from heaven.

The white sand glistened in the ray of the sun. I wonder what kind of happiness I would find myself in if I were to live in a place like this.

The boundary between the sea and sky was unclear. It felt like if I were to keep walking I would arrive at the clouds.

This beach exists among the ordinary lives of the people of Okinawa.


I wake up in the early morning and take a stroll across the sand, visiting each place. When evening comes I will see the sun set on this beach before returning home.

I believe that just having the ocean by you in your everyday life you can live a very  luxurious one.

I’m not even bothered about getting my pants wet. I feel like a child seeing the sea for the very first time.

The sea is calm and quiet. The waves washing ashore, too, are gentle. I feel released from anything and everything.

I lay out my vinyl sheet onto the sand and sit before the water, listening to the sounds of the waves.

I have with me the necessities for when conversing with the sun. Today’s sunrays are light but one mustn’t forget their sunscreen.

If I close my eyes I can see myself in the middle of the ocean and can walk across it.


If I dive into the transparent waters it’s an emerald green. The view of the outside world from the bottom of the sea looks magical. If I grab ahold of the fish I’m sure to see an unknown world.

70% of the earth’s surface is made up of water. The sea, which has given rise to infinite lives, has taught me the breadth of the world―too vast to comprehend―how small I am and how grand nature is.

I enjoy my alone time on the beach. I wash down my potato chips with sparkling water which bubbles in my mouth like the sea waves.

This pure sea, with no murkiness, elucidates my feelings. I head back to land and walk the beach once more.

My throbbing heart, which cannot be captured in a photo, is left in the footprints on the sand.



Model / Mala Morgan



All the beach necessities you need are right there

After arriving at the beach I first went shopping. I go to AEON Chatan, a 5-minute walk from Chatan Sunset Beach. You can get your hands on just about everything: from a hat and sunscreen to food and drinks. It’s convenient because it means there’s no need to pack lots of things before your trip.


AEON Chatan

Address: 8-3 Mihama, Chatan-cho, Nakagami District, Okinawa Prefecture

Business Hours: Food 7:00-Midnight / Cosmetics & Daily Necessities 10:00-Midnight

*Select stores have different opening hours.

TEL: 098-982-7575


TOPVALU Free From UV Cream  ¥980 (Before Tax) / ¥1,058.40 (Tax Included) – 30g

TOPVALU’s UV Cream protects your skin from ultraviolet rays and dryness. Even when it’s out of season Okinawa’s sunrays are like that of summer, so it’s important to look after yourself during your trip. This slightly hard cream feels soft and dissolves on your skin. It’s those moments of caring for your skin I like.


TOPVALU Green Eye Free From – Salted Fried Potato Chips  ¥78 (Before Tax) / ¥84.24 ― 55g
TOPVALU Best Price Lemon Sparkling Water ¥68 (Before Tax) / ¥73.44 (Tax Included)– 500ml

Sparkling water, potato chips and a break on the beach. The chips are seasoned simply with salt to bring out the flavour of the potatoes. They have a satisfying crunch.


When eating potato chips there’s no better complement than sparkling water. This water has strong carbonation. The refreshing taste of the lemon and fizzy bubbles made it feel like summer again.


*Tax-inclusive prices are displayed up to the second decimal point.
*In the case that multiple items are purchased, the fraction below the decimal point will also be added to calculate the consumption tax.


We are handing out coupons for the products mentioned here. Be sure to use them the next time you visit ÆON for great discounts.


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ÆON Store Search:


  • Travel Japan #1: An Organic Morning Welcomes Me to Kyoto

    16.January.2019 | FEATURES / FOOD / SPOT / Uncategorized

    Passing over the crystal blue ocean and through the snowy white clouds, I finally arrived in the country I had longed to visit.   The destination I chose is a town in located in the west of Japan, one steeped in history. The first morning to welcome me in Kyoto came through the steam of my mug which rose beautifully, almost transparent. It all appeared mysterious. Just what was I going to discover on this trip?   This is the story of one girl who came to visit Japan from her home country. The morning coffee I will drink in my hotel room is like a good luck charm. It’s a requisite ritual of all my mornings, something that gives me a bit of courage.   “I hope today is like no other.” Whispering this quietly to myself, I pour the hot water into the filter.   As the water slowly drips I smell the rich notes of the coffee.   The heat from the mug warms me up from the inside like a gentle caress. Right now, in this moment, I want to tear the view outside the window and put it in my coat pocket.   I sip my coffee as I feel gratitude for the beautiful morning and anticipate the adventure that is about to begin. The light, the warmth and the smell. Just quietly admiring this scene – that’s my morning ritual.   “I have to get going already,” I murmur. I look to myself in the future a little.   I wear a small handbag with my mint coloured coat. Let’s put this morning scene in one of them, because it was a fitting and refreshing start to the start of my trip. I swing my eyes to the view outside the window once more and leave my room.   “I feel that I’ll have become a different me when I return to this room.”   Model: Mala Morgan     These are the organic items for my morning in Japan.

    TOPVALU GURINAI - Organic Original Blend Drip Coffee:¥298 (Before Tax) /¥321 (Tax Included) 64g(8g×8count)

    The green items sold by AEON’s private brand TOPVALU are good for both me as well as the environment. Organic drinks are like good luck charms that make your body healthy and beautiful from the inside. This organic drip coffee has a full-bodied flavour, and it’s easy to make, making it perfect for mornings when travelling.  

    TOPVALU ORGANIC ORANGE 100 – 100% Straight Organic Orange Juice:¥298 (Before Tax) /¥321 (Tax Included) 750ml

    If my body craves fruit the moment I wake up, I sometimes go for orange juice. The refreshing sour taste of 100% organic orange juice makes me feel a little indulgent. Organic oranges that have been squeezed within 24 hours of picking are rich and very delicious.   We are handing out coupons for the products mentioned here. Be sure to use them the next time you visit ÆON for great discounts.   🎁 5% Coupon:   ÆON Store Search:
  • Travel Japan #2: A Peaceful Breakfast Basked in the Sun at Kyoto’s Kamo River

    01.February.2019 | FEATURES / FOOD / SPOT

    I left my room, and what stood in front of me calling like some outside force was the riverbed of Kamo River, a symbol of Kyoto. My plan for the day is still a blank sheet. If I listen carefully I can hear the calm flow of the stream. Where I’m meant to go will become clear in my mind’s eye, I’m sure of it.   I didn’t know the reason, but I felt that if I inhaled the morning air with all I had I would come to know.   “Where should I go first?” Thinking that, I set off to begin the story of my trip with all the freedom in the world.   The surface of the river is like a mirror, reflecting Kyoto’s changing seasons all year round. No matter the season, the world through that streaming looking glass is sure to be beautiful. Standing under the bridge was like being in a hiding place. It made me think of the first time I felt excitement when I was little. “I wonder what I’m searching for on this journey?”   These are the words I thought this to myself while walking back and forth. This was a city that I instantly grew attached to.   Is it something I want to find myself; or is it something I want somebody else to find for me? Someone I don’t know from in a city I don’t know in a country I don’t know.   The answer can only be found by working up the courage to knock on the door. Hints are hidden amongst the people and scenery I have yet to encounter in Kyoto. I laid out my blanket at the riverside and gazed across the Kamo River.   I took my breakfast out of my bag.   Bread and milk: my morning meal whenever and wherever I am. It’s a very natural cycle just like the blue sky, white clouds and unchanging scene before me. I feel myself becoming hydrated at the silky taste of my almond milk.   I stuff my cheeks slowly with bread and a Danish pastry while painting a picture of the day I will have today. It was the flowing river that laid it out to me as if singing me a sing.   It said, “When you get going, still with that curiosity inside you, you’ll meet a you who you haven’t met before.”   As if someone had gently flicked a switch in my mind, my half-asleep body began to move.   I decide to set off after eating my breakfast. The map of my trip lies in my heart.   Model/ Mala Morgan     Incorporate beautifying foods into your breakfast.

    TOPVALU 35% Reduced Sugar Soy Flour Danish Panettone:¥128 (Before Tax) / ¥138 (Tax Included) *Includes 2

    TOPVALU Fluffy Onion Cheese Bread:¥98(Before Tax) / ¥105 (Tax Included) *Includes 1

      Food from ÆON’s TOPVALU range makes my breakfast tasty and refreshing. The danish pastry is fermented over a long period of time before being folded repeatedly to give it its moist texture.. The crunchy texture brings a satisfied smile to your face when chowing them down.   This bread contains sliced onion and black peppered ham dressed with mayonnaise as well as a sprinkling of shredded and melted Gouda cheese. The fluffy bread is just heavenly.  

    TOPVALU Almond Milk (Left):¥88円 (Before Tax) / ¥95(Tax Included) – 200ml 

    TOPVALU Sugar Free Almond Milk (Right):¥88円 (Before Tax) /¥95(Tax Included) – 200ml

      Packed with vitamin E, the highlight of this almond milk is its low calorie count. Its subtle sweetness and smooth texture complements the bread perfectly.   We are handing out coupons for the products mentioned here. Be sure to use them the next time you visit ÆON for great discounts.   🎁 5% Coupon:   ÆON Store Search:
  • Travel Japan #3: A Peaceful Mind and Time at Higashi Honganji Temple in Kyoto

    08.February.2019 | FEATURES / SPOT

    I began my walk through the streets of Kyoto which since long ago have been at the height of prosperity in Japanese history. I understand the marvel and easing of the heart from strolling around the numerous majestic temples.   The fallen maidenhair tree leaves which had changed colour beautifully were spread across the ground like a carpet leading up to a sacred place. Each step felt precious and cleared my mind. And there I stood before it, overwhelmed at its magnificence. This is Higashi Honganji Temple. Inside is a portrait of Shinran, a Japanese Buddhist monk and founder of the Jōdo Shinshū sect of Buddhism. The temple grounds are home to historical architecture, every piece of which stirred my soul as somebody who does not know Japan. Despite it being my first time here I felt like I had returned once more. I wonder why? I gave a respectful bow to this temple and its long history while feeling the breath of the people who once lived here. My heart feels at peace when placing my hands together.   The act of praying may be one that has you facing yourself. I drank my genmaicha tea and hydrated myself from the dry air while strolling through the temple grounds.   Kyoto is a mysterious place. It has a tolerance to accept anything. It was like the old buildings were talking to me―like they knew me from long ago. In response and in a trance, I snapped a photo with my camera.   I wanted to burn the beauty of this temple into my memory so I will never forget it. I was captivated by the sight of the falling leaves. I stood under the maidenhair and gazed as they fluttered. I wonder if somebody else from another time stood here and felt the same as I did as they looked on at Kyoto in fall. The just-right bitterness and gentle sweetness of my almond chocolate stirs my imagination. The yellow leaves of the maidenhair dyed the path a golden road.   The grand temple and the maidenhair tree. My existence at this moment piles on top of Kyoto’s unimaginably long history as a single instant.     Model / Mala Morgan     Add rich taste to your walk

    TOPVALU Almond Chocolate Bitter 70%: ¥198(Before Tax)  ¥213 (Tax Included) – 70g

    A box of ÆON’s private brand TOPVALU 70% almond dark chocolate is always hidden in my bag. The flavour is moderately sweet and has just the right amount of bitterness perfect for those times when I’m lost in thought. I feel that every time I taste the almond in this chocolate now I will remember the carpet of maidenhair leaves.  

    TOPVALU Organic Genmaicha: ¥78(Before Tax) ¥84 (Tax Included) – 500ml

    This tea is made from 100% organic tea leaves grown in Kagoshima Prefecture. It is a refreshing blend of green tea and flavoursome rice. The healthy ingredients in this tea are good for the body and when they hit every nook and cranny inside me make me want to take a walk anywhere in Kyoto.   We are handing out coupons for the products mentioned here. Be sure to use them the next time you visit ÆON for great discounts.   5% Coupon:   ÆON Store Search:
  • Travel Japan #4: Magic Items to Heal My Tired Skin and Body

    21.February.2019 | FASHION / FEATURES

    After my stroll around Kyoto I head back to my hotel for a break and think back over my day. My curiosity is piqued – I want to know more about the history of this place.   Laid sprawled across my bed I picture myself walking through the city, the seasons changing, giving a sideways look at an elegant temple. The vivid cherry blossoms of spring, the cool riverbeds in summer, the autumnal orange hues, and the snow-beds of winter. All of these moments provide a spectacle that cannot be overlooked.   I feel that more wonderful things are still yet to occur. It’s nighttime, and my mind wanders at these thoughts, so I can’t sleep. I take out the Kyoto guidebook from my baggage. I trace the path I traveled today in my head which vividly brings the sights I saw to my mind’s eye. I let my body sink gently into the bed and absorb myself in reading, checking all the nooks and crannies of the book. This ancient city boasted by the island country of Japan, which I crossed the sky and sea to arrive at, is more wonderful than I expected. The orderly townscape makes me sit up and feel tense, in a good way.   My mind becomes clear. It feels as if I have been looking far into the distance for a long time.   “I feel the path I am heading for is beyond that beautiful landscape.”   My heart beats fast at that hope. I walked a lot today, so I give myself a treat.   I bask in the aromas of the cool sheets I place on my legs and heal my body to the core. I add to that a touch of permeating organic oil that’s both moist and gentle on the skin. When my skin is happy my heart too benefits. The night is still young. I enjoy some me-time with my makeup-less skin and heart. Resting like this is another important part of travel.   I flick through the guidebook over and over again and visualise the routes of the places I want to visit. A magic-imbued miracle occurs and I feel this room directly connecting to the places I wish to go to. Afterwards I enjoy a late-night retro movie. I am sure my coming to love alone-time is thanks to this trip. I also feel I have become a little stronger than I was. I try praising myself as my heart throbs at my favourite scenes which I watch over and over.     Model / Mala Morgan     Give your tired body the luxury time it deserves
    TOPVALU Leg & Calf Adhesive Cooling Sheet ¥460 (Before Tax) / ¥496 (Tax Included) – 18 Sheets (14cm x 10cm)
      On days where my legs become swollen from walking I like to massage my legs in the bath. I then use ÆON TOPVALU’s calf sheets which refresh my legs with the power of their aroma and give them care for the next day. I step into a new world with this body.  

    TOPVALU GURINAI Organic  geo organics Moisturizing Lotion ¥1,800 (Before Tax) / ¥1,944 (Tax Included) – 150ml

    TOPVALU GURINAI Organic geo organics Pure Oil Macadamia ¥1,800 (Before Tax) / ¥1,944 (Tax Included) – 27ml

      This Geo Organics certified skin location uses orange fruit extract as its base which moisturises and is astringent. It steadily permeates the skin and leaves it glowing. I use it together with the organic certified Pure Oil Macadamia. It maintains a balance of normal bacterial flora of the skin and contains lots of palmitoleic acid which is said to enhance barrier function. The power of the macadamia nuts also grants lively skin. I don’t want to mess up tending to my skin even when traveling.   We are handing out coupons for the products mentioned here. Be sure to use them the next time you visit ÆON for great discounts.   🎁 5% Coupon:   ÆON Store Search:
  • Travel Japan #5: Experiencing Everyday Life in Japan at a Supermarket in Kyoto

    25.February.2019 | FEATURES / FOOD / SPOT

    After getting to know some Kyoto history I wanted to know more about today's Kyoto. The enormous and modern terminal of Kyoto Station contrasts with the temples I'm so interested in. The two co-exist in harmony. I could see Kyoto Tower through the glass - it stood tall like it was watching over this ever-changing city. I will change my perspective today and walk the streets like the locals who live here in Kyoto. My destination is undecided. It's nice to surrender yourself to the flow of the people once in a while and head towards your goal as in Amidakuji (Ghost Leg lottery). Because I've learnt on my trip that you can encounter wonderful things by chance on occasion. The glass walkway is like a tunnel into the future. I look at my reflection in the window and see I have become more of an adult. Stood there I gaze for a long time up at Kyoto Tower. As I stare I think about how the city changes, people change, the days transition, but how there are also things I want to stay the same. The next place I head to is Aeon Mall, a shopping centre close to Kyoto Station. This is a foreign supermarket to for me, so I get excited. It's like sifting through a toy box.   An ordinary day for the people living in this country is an extraordinary day for me. Each and every thing in there is something I've never laid eyes on before.   I walk around, forgetting about the passage of time, and get a glimpse into the simple yet happy lifestyle of people. There's a conveyor belt sushi restaurant in the mall, something I had been yearning for. I wonder if my friends would laugh if I told them that the sushi coming round on a conveyor belt is like something out of a Tim Burton movie? I feel like the protagonist of that film as I eat the sushi that rolls on by. I visited a general store where everything is sold for ¥100. I bought a letter set from here and wrote a letter to my precious friend.   To my beloved friend,   Japan is a really wonderful place.I'm determined to absorb everything I see and experience in the limited time I have here.I don't know what I will discover on this trip, what I am heading towards.It's hard to describe in words, but I will continue my travels.   Model: Mala Morgan     Aeon Mall Kyoto: A Japan-packed shopping mall 10 minutes on foot from Kyoto Station Aeon Mall Kyoto is just a 10-minute walk from Kyoto Station. Its shelves are lined with daily necessities, you can dine there, buy souvenirs and more. On Weekends and national holidays there are free shuttles bus that runs every 15 minutes from Kyoto Station's Hachijoguchi Exit which is very convenient for travellers with heavy luggage.   I really recommend visiting if ever you're in Kyoto.   Aeon Mall Kyoto Address: 1 Nishikujō Toriiguchichō, Minami Ward, Kyoto Business Hours: Different for each store. Please visit the mall's website below to check opening hours. Website:   KOHYO (Aeon Mall Kyoto - Sakura Building Floor 1F) KOHYO is a supermarket that sells various Japanese goods. I get my hands on a range of daily necessities and ingredients as I feel with my own skin what it's like to real live life in Japan.   Business Hours: 9:00-22:00 Website:   Kaiten Sushi Uogashi (Aeon Mall Kyoto - Sakura Building Floor 4F) Kaiten Sushi Uogashi is a conveyor belt sushi restaurant that sells over 20 types of seafood everyday. The ingredients change each day. I reconfirm that I really am in Japan as I tuck into my delicious sushi.   Business Hours: 10:00-22:00 (Last Orders 21:30) Website:   DAISO (Aeon Mall Kyoto - Kaede Building Floor 4F) DAISO stocks new products every single day. There are ¥100-type stores in every country, but the ones in Japan really are something special! They have so many items that make for perfect souvenirs. It's an irresistible place for girls who love shopping so I've got to tell my friends about it.   Business Hours: 10-00-21:00 Website:
  • Travel Japan #7: A New Adventure Begins on the Southern Island of Okinawa

    11.March.2019 | FEATURES / SPOT

    I set off on the next part of my trip, crossing the ocean once more and heading in the direction of Okinawa. Okinawa is home to 150 islands, has a tropical climate and expansive beautiful blue beaches. I want to see another side of Japan completely different from Kyoto.   I wonder what the Ryukyu Kingdom will show me, which established and prospered an independent culture. When I arrive at the airport, I can already feel the breeze of the southern islands. It’s a breeze that serves as a prologue to what feels like the start of a new story. With my pink suitcase in hand, I let my imagination run wild as I picture the sights outside the airport. The pink on my suitcase sways to and fro like a little pink boat, and I’m the captain and sole rower of that boat. I encountered a Shisa, a lion statue and god that protects Okinawa, so I locked eyes with it and expressed some words of gratitude.   It feels like something good is going to happen. I don’t want to leave this place yet. When I gaze at the aeroplane taking off... ...I get a feeling that I can do anything. The sound of the engine, the force of the airframe seen up close.   My body still remembers the great speed at takeoff.   People can soar the skies; they can go anywhere in this world. I can feel strong thinking about just that. As I look for the exit, I feel the calm flow of time here and it’s different from the mainland.   I have plenty of time, so I don’t have to rush. I can begin searching for my destination with relaxed steps.   The air of the islands in the south makes my heart feel calm so I notice how soft and gentle people’s voices and facial expressions are. It makes me remember how nature and people’s hearts are connected. I take a seat on the bench and stuff my face with the nut and banana chip mix which is a replacement for my breakfast. My somewhat hazy head starts to become clearer and I see the next place I need to go. There was a water tank next to the bench.   I wonder if the fish inside the tank remember the ocean. The colourful tropical fish inside this water tank, surrounded by tourists, live freely and in an environment with no threats. “It’s wonderful so live small and comfortably, but I want to see the big wide world.”   I wait for the departure as I look at the beautiful fish. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call them precious gems. I say my goodbyes to the fish and head outside with a kick in my step. A new journey is about to begin. The Okinawan sky is smiling at me.   Model / Mala Morgan     A healthy morning travel breakfast

    TOPVALU Smooth Zipper Carry Case M ¥9,800 (Before Tax) / ¥10,584 (Tax Included) - Pink

    This carry case is an eye-catching pink colour which makes it easy to spot at the airport when you’re claiming your baggage. It stands on excellent tyres that are quiet when the case is rolled. Its size also means it holds plenty of luggage. Because it has another fastener for expanding the case, you can rest easy that you won’t have to leave anything behind when your luggage inevitably builds up during your trip. I want to pack my memories of Okinawa into it and head to the next town.  

    TOPVALU Nuts & Banana Chip Mix ¥158 (Before Tax) / ¥170.64 (Tax Included) – 31g

    My breakfast today was a nuts and banana chip mix. It’s healthy so I’m using them for support up to lunch and as a snack on my trip too. The combination of banana chips and the nuts, which are full of dietary fibres, is a more delicious mix than I had imagined. I’m getting addicted.   *Tax-inclusive prices are displayed up to the second decimal point.*In the case that multiple items are purchased, the fraction below the decimal point will also be added to calculate the consumption tax.   We are handing out coupons for the products mentioned here. Be sure to use them the next time you visit ÆON for great discounts.   5% Coupon: ÆON Store Search:


  • Scenic Girls’ Fashion Festival OKINAWA COLLECTION 2023 to be Held for the First Time in September, Popular Boy’s Group OCTPATH Announced as First Performers

    02.August.2023 | FASHION / MUSIC / Uncategorized

    The Okinawa Collection Executive Committee has announced the first girls’ fashion festival OKINAWA COLLECTION 2023. The event will be held at Umisora Park in Okinawa on September 24, 2023. The first round of performers has been announced and pre-sale tickets are now available.


    The event will be held on the picturesque sandy beaches of Naha, the capital of Okinawa Prefecture. The area is famous for its contributions to entertainment, and the show aims to share current pop culture with both audiences in Japan and the world.


     ■Several influential models are scheduled to appear!

    The first batch of performers include Yuina Kogawa, a model and television personality; Nana Kato, an exclusive model for Ray and LARME magazines; Ariana Sakura, an exclusive model for ViVi and a model for many popular brands; Nagomi, who also produces the cosmetics brand "GENTY," and PyunA., an exclusive model for the fashion magazine Koakuma ageha who is set to release her first photo book in August.


     ■Additional guests, including popular YouTubers, will take the stage!

    Guests include the popular YouTuber duo Nakonako Couple, active both online and on TV; Mukuena, two childhood friends and artists with a popular YouTube channel; Toua, a current trendsetter; Osaki, a high-schooler appearing in the People category of the JC/JK Buzzword Awards 2022; Sakura, an exclusive model for Popteen; Mika Kato, an exclusive model for nuts; and Yuichami, the younger sister of Uchami and an exclusive model for egg.


    ■The trending boy band OCTOPATH will perform!

    OCTPATH, a boy group consisting of former trainees appearing on the popular audition program PRODUCE 101 JAPAN SEASON 2, made their major debut in 2022. Guests can expect a mesmerizing performance!


    More performers and content will be announced soon. Check out the event's official website for the latest information!

  • Hirosaki and Hakodate to Begin Winter Tourism Campaign with Snow Miku Starting December 2022

    26.November.2022 | ANIME&GAME / SPOT

    The cities of Hirosaki and Hakodate in Hokkaido have announced that they will team up with Hatsune Miku’s popular iteration Snow Miku to promote tourism in the area this winter. A number of activities will begin in December 2022.   [Snow Miku x Hirohako] Collaboration Project■Hirohako Winter Tourism Campaign Poster Featuring Snow Miku・Period: Mid-November~February 28, 2023・Locations: Facilities in both cities, tourist facilities, hotels, shopping areas   ■Snow Miku Illustration Contest Exhibition EventOver 50 illustrations have been submitted under the theme of Snow Miku and Hakodate / Snow Miku and Hirosaki. These will be on display through the winter! ・Running: December 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022 ・Venues: Hirosaki Municipal Tourist Center (Hirosaki)                     Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse (Hakodate)   ■Snow Miku Photo SpotSnow Miku panels featuring shamisen and apples from Hirosaki will be on display, while the Hakodate version will include references to squid fishing and footbaths. ・On Display: December 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022・Locations: JR Hirosaki Station, Chuohirosaki Station (Hirosaki)                         JR Hakodate Station, Hakodate Airport (Hakodate)■Digital Stamp Rally Using the Mikunavi AppA number of panels will be installed at five checkpoints in Hirosaki and Hakodate. A total of 1,000 people–500 in each city–will win original merch including a Snow Miku mask case and decorated masking tape. All you need to do is check in!・Available: December 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022・Locations: (Hirosaki) Hirosaki Municipal Tourist Center, Hirosaki City Machinaka  Information Center,                          Hirosaki Tourist Information Center, Hirosaki Castle Information Center, Tsugaru-han Neputa Village      (Hakodate) Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse, Yunokawa Hot Spring Footbath, Goryōkaku Tower, Hakodate Green Plaza C Block (Hakodate Lumi-Pop), Old Public Hall of Hakodate Ward   ■Hirohako Winter Tourism Campaign Theme Song and Music Video The tourism theme song will get a new music video that will be broadcast on YouTube, at local tourist facilities, and on TV and radio!・On Air: December 1, 2022~・Theme Song: Mahou no Keshiki (Lyrics/Composition: ryuryu)   ■Snow Miku Welcome Announcements to be Broadcast at Tourism Facilities, etc. A one-minute welcome announcement by Snow Miku will air at tourist facilities!・Running: December 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022・Locations: Tourist areas in both cities   ■Snow Miku Filters Using ARWhen each barcode is scanned with a smartphone, Snow Miku will appear on the screen! Visitors can take pictures with Snow Miku to commemorate their winter trip to Hirosaki and Hakodate.・Available: December 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022
  • Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Collaborates with Okinawa’s Okashi Goten for LOCAL POWER JAPAN Project

    25.July.2022 | MUSIC / SPOT

    Kyary Pamyu Pamyu inspired music lovers around the world in April when she performed at Coachella, one of the largest music festivals on Earth. The second half of the singer’s 10th anniversary nationwide tour 31-show has begun, and in conjunction with this special event, the LOCAL POWER JAPAN Project was launched to energize Japan through the appeal of regional towns and cities. As with past concert locations, a new collaboration has been announced ahead of Kyary’s June 23 performance in Okinawa, where the artist held an additional show. In Okinawa, Kyary is teaming up with the popular souvenir shop Okashi Goten, known for its Beni-imo (purple sweet potato) tarts. The shop itself looks similar to Shuri Castle from the outside, and as guests enter, they’re surrounded by products made exclusively from Okinawan ingredients. This collaboration pays homage to where it all began, with the special logo inspired by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu’s 2011 debut mini-labum Moshi Moshi HarajukuFans will be able to buy a special box of these tasty tarts, with the outside stamped with ‘Moshi Moshi Beni-imo Tart’ and a drawing of Kyary inspired by the cover of her 2011 album.  This item is now available at all shops offering Okashi Goten products and at the Okashi Goten online store.
    A collaborative T-shirt is also on sale featuring the new logo and the singer’s 10th-anniversary logo. The shirt is available on the LOCAL POWER JAPAN Project website for two weeks only starting July 22.
  • Private Jet Package Now Available in Toyama Offering Spectacular View of Tateyama Mountains

    22.June.2022 | SPOT

    Mizu to Takumi, a company associated with the Toyama West Tourism Promotion Association, has teamed up with SKYTREK to offer guests a once-in-a-lifetime chance to visit the area via private jet. Reservations for the incredible experience began on June 17, 2022.   Offering an entirely new tourism experience in Toyama Prefecture, visitors can see the area’s natural wonders from miles above the Earth. The program also aims to share local culture and more about traditional craftsmanship and cuisine.Toyama Prefecture boasts dramatic topography, from the massive peaks of the Northern Alps and the Tateyama Mountains to the deep waters of Toyama Bay. To better allow visitors to see the sights, these private jet tours will be chartered on special courses different from standard airlines.   After the flights, guests will be welcomed to explore Takaoka’s deep history and culture. Kane no Sanzun, a restored and preserved inn, will welcome visitors, offering a relaxing and rejuvenating time.Visitors can also book optional excursions to further explore the area, such as a Zen meditation experience at a famous temple in Takaoka, a traditional crafting workshop, and a tour and tasting of the only whiskey distillery in the Hokuriku region.Come enjoy a trip to Toyama with a whole new perspective!
  • Airbnb Reveals Top 10 Most Popular Summer Destinations in Japan

    08.June.2022 | SPOT

    Airbnb boasts one of the largest travel communities in the world, filled with users offering up lodging and those eager to visit somewhere new. The Japanese subsidiary of the company has revealed the top spots added to Japanese users ‘Favorites (Wish Lists)’ from May 1 to May 17, 2022. Where will travelers in the country be headed this summer?   Golden Week is long gone and users are starting to think about where to visit during the hottest part of the year. This national ‘Wish List’ might make it easier to pick a spot, with many locations highlighting lesser-known areas!  

    Gujo Hachiman Villa, Limited to 1 Couple Per Day (Gifu)

    This completely private rental villa was made for sauna enthusiasts. One lucky pair per day can book this suite along the Yoshida River flowing through Gujo Hachiman, known as the “City of Water and Dance.” Currently booked through the end of August, reservations for September and beyond will be available in early June. Book a stay to enjoy the gorgeous autumn foliage!

    A House Surrounded by Lush Greenery in the Countryside (Tottori)

    Hosted by a family of musicians and architects, this guesthouse invites guests to enjoy gorgeous Nordic-inspired interiors and the serene quiet of the countryside. For those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, this is the perfect spot.

    Hoshina Satomachi, Limited to 1 Couple Per Day (Nagano)

    There’s nothing like spending the summer in a traditional Japanese home. Enjoy a barbeque on the terrace and relax on the massive lawn. This is the perfect spot for families with children or pets!

    Coastal Cabin (Chiba)

    You can’t have summer without a pool. This luxurious coastal retreat boasts a 15-meter pool, outdoor Jacuzzi, bonfire space, and a barbeque. Relax by the pool while listening to your favorite songs or soak in the outdoor bath as you watch the waves crash along the shore.

    An Elegant and Peaceful Log Cabin (Nagano)

    Located at 1,300 meters above sea level on the Iizuna plateau, this log cabin is situated in the midst of a dense forest. A perfect space for couples, families, or small groups of friends, guests are welcome to enjoy hiking through this gorgeous landscape in the center of Japan!
  • Izu, the Setting for Laid-Back Camp, Now Offering Travel Plans

    24.May.2022 | ANIME&GAME / SPOT

    JR Tokai Tours has released a new travel plan for fans of Laid-Back Camp Season 2, which aired from January to March 2021. The tour will take place in the Izu area, which was heavily featured in episodes 10, 11, and 12. Guests can enjoy a travel plan with single lodging and original goods starting May 23 until June 29, 2022.

    Original Stickers

     The slice-of-life series Laid-Back Camp is currently serialized in COMIC FUZ. Set in Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures, Laid-Back Camp is a relaxing series following a group of high school girls going camping and enjoying their daily lives. The series is based on the author Afro’s personal experiences and interviews, and since serialization in 2015, the series has attracted fans from around the world. The original comic has sold over 7 million copies. In 2018, the first anime series premiered, inspiring a spin-off Room Camp in 2020 and a second season in 2021. Four years after it was announced in 2018, a Laid-Back Camp animated film will arrive in theaters this summer.