Levius is an upcoming anime adaptation of Haruhisa Nakata’s manga of the same name that will be released on Netflix worldwide on November 28, 2019. The series is being created by the main staff that worked on the anime series Ajin: Demi-Human. The main cast includes Nobunaga Shimazaki as Levius, Junichi Suwabe as Zachs, Takahiro Sakurai as Bill, and Ayane Sakura as Natalia.
It has been revealed that Nazome (“Mysterious Girl”) will perform the anime’s opening theme wit and love. This marks her debut as a music artist, living up to her name as mystery shrouds the singer. There had been no prior information about the artist until now, but it is now confirmed that she will make her major debut from Warner Music Japan. Hear the song in the newest trailer below.
Levius | Official Trailer | Netflix
One listen to the song, which blends its sound together with the world of the anime series perfectly, tells us that Nazome isn’t just any ordinary new artist. Which attracts us the most is her singing astyle and the words she uses.
Her voice is simultaneously delicate but distinct and impactful. She will also perform the ending theme, the details of which have yet to be announced, so stay tuned.
©️Haruhisa Nakata / Shueisha / Polygon Pictures