Hikaru Nakamura’s comedy slice-of-life manga series Saint Young Men has shipped over 16 million copies. The live-action adaptation stars Ken’ichi Matsuyama as Jesus and Shōta Sometani as Buddha, with writing and direction from Yuichi Fukuda, and Takayuki Yamada as the producer.
To whet the appetites of fans, the trailer for Saint Young Men III has just been unveiled and Saint Young Men II will be uploaded to watch on YouTube for a limit of 48 hours. The highly-anticipated Saint Young Men III will be aired on NHK General TV from January 11 and 18 2020 at 23:30 (JST) for two weeks. The show will also be available on Netflix from January 20, with a one-week-limited showing in theatres from January 24 .
The original comedy slice-of-life manga series by Hikaru Nakamura follows the story of Jesus the Son of God and the enlightened Buddha, who are both sharing an apartment in Tachikawa, Tokyo. The peculiar story of the two religious leaders enjoying a holiday on earth amused readers to no end, eventually selling over 16 million copies.
Check out the latest trailer for Saint Young Men III.
The live-action drama consists of 10 episodes in each series which can be enjoyed starting from any episode.
The trailer reveals the Buddha and Jesus leaving their fun holidays behind, stepping out of their cosy apartment to engage in new interests, such as a downtown comedy contest, to which they decided to name their comedy duo “Panchi to Ronge” (Punch and long hair). At one point, the lights go out in their apartment and Jesus resurrects the situation by creating a heavenly light around himself. The two pals also head to a karaoke box, at which the Buddha enjoys sutra chanting with Jesus joining in on the tambourine.
To celebrate the debut of Saint Young Men III, all 10 episodes of Saint Young Men I will be uploaded to YouTube for a 48 hour period only from January 11 (00:00) to 12 ( 23:59). Subscribe and enjoy!
(C)Hikaru Nakamura, Kodansha Ltd., Panchi to Ronge Production Committee
Saint Young Men III
Broadcast Dates: January 11, 2020 / January 18, 2020 (NHK General TV)
To be aired for 2 weeks
Streaming Services: Only Available On Netflix (From January 20, 2020)
1 Week-Limited Theatre Showing: Starts January 24, 2020
Saint Young Men I and II Streaming: On Netflix (from December 24, 2019), Amazon Prime Video/ iTunes (from January 15, 2020)
*Broadcasting and streaming start dates and times are subject to change without prior notice.
Official Website: st023.com