Gibiate is an upcoming anime series produced by Yoshitaka Amano (Vampire Hunter D; Final Fantasy video game series) and written by Ryō Aoki (Bonjour Sweet Love Patisserie) that’s set to release in July 2020. The series is a collaboration from some of the biggest names in the Japanese entertainment industry, spanning anime, music, and video games.
Gibiate Summary
Japan, 2030. A virus has infected humans throughout the world. Infected people turn into different forms of monsters based on their ages, sexes and races. The virus is named ‘Gibia’ – after being rich in variety like gibier. Just then, a pair of samurai and ninja appeared in such a blighted wasteland of Japan. They both travelled from the early Edo period, fighting together with help from a doctor who tries to find cure for Gibia. Facing ceaseless attacks from Gibia, and outlaws that attack travelers for food, they start the dangerous journey with enemies all around.
It has been revealed that Sugizo (Luna Sea/X Japan) collaborated with the Yoshida Brothers to compose and arrange the anime’s theme ENDLESS. Maki Ohguro sings the lyrics which were written by Gibiate‘s planner and writer Ryō Aoki.
Sugizo | Comment
“I’m working hard to make music, even in a time such as the one we face now. And it’s in times like this where I believe music is a necessity. I’ve collaborated with my longtime friend Maki Ohguro on this one. As the ending theme song for the Gibiate anime, I think it can hold an important meaning in these times. I pray that we can get out of this dark tunnel quickly, and that this song lets us all feel the light to face the next day.”
Maki Ohguro | Comment
Being called to this team of all stars, with Japanese animators, creators, and musicians like Sugizo […] makes me feel proud and really happy. My role is simply to heed the call of what I have been appointed, with everything I’ve got, like when I was young, when I made my debut, when I was a fresh back chorus singer. Now I’m 50, and being this excited about something alone is enough to make me happy, and I want to share that with everyone who watches Gibiate!”
Official Website: