FIREBUG studio and animation planning and production company Enishiya have teamed up for a new short anime, Massara. The animation itself was inspired by the song of the same name by Kiyoe Yoshioka, the lead singer of the popular pop duo Ikinonogakari. This was her first original solo song.
The animation is a cross between a music video and a brief anime. The story follows a singer-songwriter, Nazuna (Voiced by Yoshioka), who is about to stop chasing her dream, along with a shy girl, Yuna. As they meet, they influence each other to keep running towards their respective dreams. Yuna is voiced by Kana Hanazawa, known for voicing Mitsuri Kanroji in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. Both the music video and short anime are available to watch on the official Ikimonogakari YouTube channel, so check it out!
Comments from Performers and Staff
Kiyoe Yoshioka (Nazuna)
“I tried as hard as I could, and when I realized how much I was putting into the role, it was over in an instant. The animation was so beautiful that I was drawn in and was able to enjoy working on it. I was very moved by the scene where Nazuna and Yuna, the two main characters’ thoughts and inner struggle for the songs are depicted, and their feelings really connected with each other. One of the highlights of the film is the faithful reproduction of the scenery of the station where I used to perform on the street when I made my debut. I think this is a kind of work that you can feel ‘real.’ I hope you will all enjoy it.”
Kana Hanazawa (Yuna)
“The animation was so delicate and captivating that I wanted it to be released in theaters as it was, and I felt that it was a work that was created with great care. I’ve listened to a lot of Yoshioka-san’s singing voice, so I was very happy to be able to participate in such a wonderful project. She was very friendly and talked to me a lot during the recording process. I became more and more a fan of her personality, which is refreshing and gentle, and makes me feel comfortable being in the same space with her. I think the anime has a joy of being able to enjoy Yoshioka-san’s voice to the fullest, and also has the depth of flavor of the songs you listen to while feeling the story!”
Keita Nagahara (Director)
“Before the actual post-recording session, we had a practice session as a test, where I explained the nuances of the dialogue and the character’s emotions, but Yoshioka already seemed completely capable of capturing Nazuka with very little prep. Her voice is charming, and although she doesn’t have a ton of voice acting experience, I was amazed by her natural talent. The song scene at the beginning was recorded right in front of me, and I was so moved by the power of her voice. This work is beautiful, and I was able to work with an amazing staff to create a short film that really emphasizes the atmosphere in which these characters live. Just as Yuna, who was unable to sing in front of others, was able to take a step forward with Nazuna, I hope that this film inspires someone else to take another step.”
Short Anime ‘Massara’