H&M announced on April 27 that their promotional ambassador for Golden Week 2021 is none other than Japanese actress, model, and singer Yui Aragaki. The clothing company created a campaign video with her and conducted a behind-the-scenes interview which MMN has translated.
Campaign Video
Behind-The-Scenes Interview
Yui Aragaki Interview (Excerpt)
Q: How did you react when you were appoint an H&M Ambassador?
“My first impression when they invited me along was excitement. It was something new, so I thought it might lead to even more new things. It felt exciting.”
Q: How do you relate to the ‘Let’s Change’ concept for this campaign?
“I feel like people around the world somewhat feel that we just are changing, rather than having to change. I think this campaign serves to act as the impetus for each person to think about what they want to change. And getting to become the ambassador for that is really worthwhile. Once people know and are aware of what they think, they can begin to recognise and digest it. And I hope that that becomes second nature to them. Even if they can’t relate to a certain change, it’s important for them to acknowledge it.”
Q: What efforts are you taking when it comes to sustainability?
“I’m still learning when it comes to sustainability, but I do use H&M’s Garment Collecting service. No matter what, clothes are consumable goods, so of course I take care of them. Some items are lifelong, but some I have to change depending on how I’m feeling, or depending on the environment. I’m thankful that there’s somewhere I can take them to where they can be used for something else. It feels good to drop them off.”
The Let’s Change campaign encourages people to recycle their clothes as well as take their own shopping bag which earns customers Conscious Points as a reward. Yui Aragaki is donning seasonal earth colours made from sustainable materials for the campaign.
H&M Let’s Change
Released: April 27, 2021
Campaign Site: https://www2.hm.com/ja_jp/ladies/shop-by-feature/1703-golden-week-jp.html