A special event for the anime series Tokyo Revengers is set to take place at TACHIKAWA STAGE GARDEN in Tokyo on December 18, 2021. Titled ‘Special Event: Tokyo Manjikai Tachikawa Tsuu Ringu,’ the main voice cast Yuuki Shin, Yū Hayashi, and Tatsuhisa Suzuki, who voice Takemichi Hanagaki, Manjirō “Mikey” Sano, and Ken “Doraken” Ryūgūji respectively will make an appearance on the day.
Tokyo Revengers Special Event: Tokyo Manjikai Tachikawa Tsuu Ringu
Date: December 18, 2021
Day Slot: Open 13:00 / Start 14:00
Evening Slot: Open 17:00 / Start 18:00
Address: N1 3-3 Midoricho, Tachikawa, Tokyo
Ticket Price: ¥8,800 (Tax Included) *All Reserved Seating
Pre-Sale Tickets
Applications for pre-sale tickets will be included in Volume 2 of the Blu-ray & DVD, which will release on July 7, for the Day Slot, and Volume 3, which releases on August 4, for the Evening Slot.
Blu-ray & DVD Information (Japan Release)
Volume 1 of the Japanese-release of Tokyo Revengers on Blu-ray and DVD will hit shelves on June 16 with Volume 2 followed shortly on July 7. Volume 2 will include manga inserts taken from chapters three and four of the manga series.
Tokyo Revengers Volume 1: Blu-ray ¥8,800 / DVD ¥7,700 (Tax Included
Release Date: June 16, 2021
Tokyo Revengers Volume 2: Blu-ray ¥8,800 / DVD ¥7,700 (Tax Included
Release Date: July 7, 2021
CD Information
The anime’s original soundtrack will be released on July 7 and will include a long list of 48 tracks.
TV Anime Tokyo Revengers EP 01: ¥2,420 (Tax Included)
Release Date: July 21, 2021
TV Anime Tokyo Revengers EP 02: ¥2,420 (Tax Included)
Release Date: September 15, 2021
Original Soundtrack: ¥3,850 (Tax Included
Release Date: July 7, 2021
Discs: 2 (48 Tracks)
Tokyo Revengers Event Set
A special merch set will be released for the event which includes a tokkofuku biker jacket as well as acrylic stands featuring original artwork drawn by Tokyo Revengers author Ken Wakui.
-Long Jacket-
Price: ¥27,500 Each (Tax Included)
-Short Jacket-
Price: ¥24,200 Each (Tax Included)
Order Window: Until June 30, 2021 at 23:59 (JST)
Deliveries: Early September 2021
Order Here: https://special.canime.jp/tokyo-revengers-anime/
Are you watching Tokyo Revengers? Episode 7 aired on May 23.
Tokyo Revengers Special Event: Tokyo Manjikai Tachikawa Tsuu Ringu
Japanese Event Name: TVアニメ「東京リベンジャーズ」須辺謝留威弁斗~東京卍會立川通凛愚~
Date: December 18, 2021
Address: N1 3-3 Midoricho, Tachikawa, Tokyo
Ticket Price: ¥8,800 (Tax Included) *All Reserved Seating
The non-credit version of the Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown arc ending theme is now available. The track is inspired by the emotionally-charged second season, which picks up where the first season left off and focuses heavily on Taiju, Yuzuha, and Hakkai Shiba. Listeners will be reminded to protect the things they care about as they listen to the powerful lyrics. Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Non-credit Ending
With its emotional melody and fitting lyrics, fans of the first season should be ready to face the intensity of the ongoing second season. The song is now streaming. Be sure to tune in to the explosive second season of this globally-loved anime series! Introduction Takemichi Hanagaki traveled twelve years back in time in order to save his girlfriend and change his life for the better. Returning to the present day after his battle with Valhalla is done, he’s now the leader of the Tokyo Manji gang. His joy is short-lived, however, as the modern gang still seems to be ruled by Tetta Kisaki, the root of all evil. Nothing has been altered, and in order to truly save his girlfriend, Takemichi needs to face things head-on. ©和久井健・講談社/アニメ「東京リベンジャーズ」製作委員会 Information
Kizutsukedo, Aishiteru – Tuyu
Streaming Links: https://lnk.to/tuyu_kizuai
Special Site: https://tuyu-official.jp/kizuai/
Official Site: https://tokyo-revengers-anime.com -
Tuyu, the musical unit formed by songwriter and guitarist Pusu, pianist miro, and vocalist Rei, will release Kizutsukedo, Aishiteru (It Might Be Painful, but I Still Love It) digitally on January 15, 2023.
The song is currently being used as the ending theme song for Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown, which began airing on January 7, 2023. The track is perfect for the emotionally-charged second season, which picks up where the first season left off and focuses heavily on Taiju, Yuzuha, and Hakkai Shiba. Rei’s impressive vocals and miro’s emotional piano performance combine to create an extremely addictive pop track. This is Tuyu’s first song to be featured in an anime series.
Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Non-credit EndingThe non-credit ending video will be available on the official Tokyo Revengers YouTube channel on January 15. Tuyu will hold a solo concert, Spring Rain, at Zepp Haneda in Tokyo on March 4, 2023. Two performances will be held: one in the daytime and one at night, with one themed around sunny weather and the other themed around rainy weather. Tickets will be available by lottery on e+ starting January 22 at 23:59. At the end of 2022, Tuyu performed at COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23. Be sure to keep an eye on this group this year! ©和久井健・講談社/アニメ「東京リベンジャーズ」製作委員会 Information
Kizutsukedo, Aishiteru – Tuyu
Release Date: January 15, 2023 (Digital)
Subscription Services and Download Links: https://lnk.to/tuyu_kizuai
Special Site: https://tuyu-official.jp/kizuai/ *Open January 15 at 2:40 -
Official Hige Dandism Releases Music Video for Tokyo Revengers Christmas Showdown Arc Opening Theme ‘White Noise’
Rock band Official Hige Dandism has released a music video for their song White Noise on YouTube.
White Noise serves as the opening theme song for Tokyo Revengers Christmas Showdown Arc which began airing on January 7. The band also performed the previous opening song Cry Baby.
Official Hige Dandism - White Noise [Official Video] Official Hige Dandism - White Noise
The Official Hige Dandism SHOCKING NUTS TOUR is currently underway, with the band performing in halls throughout Japan. For details on each venue and how to purchase tickets, visit the band’s official website!
White Noise – Official Hige Dandism
Release Date: January 11, 2023
Streaming Links: https://HGDN.lnk.to/WhiteNoisePR
Teaser Video: https://youtu.be/dp6DQrNwK9U
White Noise Special Site: https://whitenoise.ponycanyon.co.jp -
Tokyo Revengers Christmas Showdown Arc Reveals First DVD Jacket Art, 4th Character Song CD Announced
Tokyo Revengers Christmas Showdown Arc began airing on January 7, and more packaging information for the upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release has been revealed. Both versions will consist of three volumes, and the first volume’s cover features the powerful Black Dragon gang.A commemorative event featuring the series’ star-studded cast has also been announced for June 18, 2023. Ticket applications for the afternoon event will be included inside the first DVD/Blu-ray. Keep an eye out for more information! The fourth character image song album, Tokyo Revengers EP04, will also be released on March 15, 2023, featuring music from Hakkai Shiba, Yuzuha Shiba, Seishu Inui, and Hajime Kokonoi. Fans can see which purchase bonuses are available at participating shops on the official website. Perks will be handed out with the purchase of the first DVD/Blu-ray and the 4th character song album. Tune into the new season of Tokyo Revengers airing now! ©和久井健・講談社/アニメ「東京リベンジャーズ」製作委員会
Tokyo Revengers EP04
Release Date: March 15, 2023
Tokyo Revengers Commemorative Anniversary & Formation Event
Date: June 18, 2023 *Afternoon & evening events planned
Venue: Shibuya LINE CUBE
Tickets: Application for daytime tickets available in first DVD/Blu-ray releasing March 15,
Official Website: https://tokyo-revengers-anime.com -
From December 10, 2022 until January 22, 2023, a special Tokyo Revengers Fair will take place at Animate locations nationwide and online to celebrate the return of the anime series for the Christmas Showdown Arc! The series tells the story of freelancer Takemichi Hanagaki, who finds out that his only girlfriend has been killed by the ruthless Tokyo Manji Gang. Going back in time 12 years, he decides to save his girlfriend and become a better version of himself. The first season of the anime series ran from April to September of last year and was based on Ken Wakui’s manga series, which concluded on November 16. The anime will return in January 2023 for its second season. During the event, fans can snag a special bromide (8 varieties) for every ¥1,100 spent (including tax) on Tokyo Revengers goods. These bromides will feature new illustrations of Mikey, Draken, Inupi, Koko, and other popular characters in tuxedos! New merchandise will also be on sale, including clear cases, acrylic stands, and more, all featuring the new artwork. Christmas card-style flyers will also be handed out at select Animate stores starting December 3 while supplies last, so be sure to celebrate the holiday season with the cast of Tokyo Revengers! (C)和久井健・講談社/アニメ「東京リベンジャーズ」製作委員会
Tokyo Revengers Christmas Showdown Arc Fair at Animate
Running: December 10, 2022 – January 22, 2023
Venue: Animate locations nationwide / Animate Online
Details: https://www.animate-onlineshop.jp/contents/fair_event/detail.php?id=108145 -
More details about the upcoming Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown arc have been revealed. In a new trailer, fans got their first look at Taiju Shiba, a character exclusive to the Christmas Showdown arc. First Division Captain Seishu Inui and Hajime Kokonoi also make appearances. Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown Trailer https://youtu.be/hfj7HaTbMSQ Tomokazu Sugita will play Taiju Shiba, while Yuzuha Shiba will be portrayed by Mikako Komatsu. Character visuals for the two have also been revealed, along with a brand-new key visual for the series showing a stoic Takemichi Hanagaki. The series will be broadcast on 37 stations nationwide, and an advance screening will be held on December 24, showing three episodes prior to their official broadcast. This will also include a chat with the main cast, and the ticket lottery is now open. Tokyo Revengers will return with the Christmas Showdown arc in January 2023. Will you be tuning in? ©和久井健・講談社/アニメ「東京リベンジャーズ」製作委員会
Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown
Airing January 2023
Official Site: https://tokyo-revengers-anime.com