The anime film adaptation of Shogo Sugitani’s manga series Pompo: The Cinéphile was released on June 4, 2021, and to promote it, the Japanese anime and manga merchandise website Movic is now stocking a new collection of items.
Double Ticket Files | ¥400 (Tax Included)
Scenario Notebook | ¥800 (Tax Included)
Ballpoint Pen | ¥680 (Tax Included)
Key Ring | ¥880 (Tax Included)
Smartphone Cover | ¥3,300 (Tax Included)
T-Shirt | ¥3,300 (Tax Included)
Tote Bag | ¥1,320 (Tax Included)
Calendar | ¥1,760 (Tax Included)
The film’s story follows Pompo-san, a talented film producer, and her assistant Gene, who is given the task to direct a film written by Pompo.
(C)2020 杉谷庄吾【人間プラモ】/KADOKAWA/映画大好きポンポさん製作委員会
Pompo: The Cinéphile Merchandise
Released: June 4, 2021
Buy Here:
Pompo: The Cinéphile Official Website: